Disinformation - A Threat to Democracy and Technological Responses
On December 14, acatech held a themed conference on the current significance of disinformation and its social relevance.
The paper “Better Together: The Interplay Between a Phishing Awareness Video and a Link-centric Phishing Support Tool” by Benjamin Berens, Florian Schaub, Mattia Mossano and Melanie Volkamer has been accepted for publication at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024), which will take place from May 11 to May 16, 2024 in Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA. The paper describes an online study comparing the effectiveness of the NoPhish video and TORPEDO as well as their combination. The combination of the two shows significantly better results in terms of effectiveness in distinguishing between phishing and legitimate messages.