Research Labs

Our research labs consist of chairs, laboratories, and research groups which form the basis for interdisciplinary and application-oriented research in IT security.

  • Fact 1

    217 Members and Fellows

  • Fact 2

    18 Nationalities

  • Fact 3

    27 Labs

IoT Security    Network Security   

Competence Center for IT Security at FZI

Ingmar Baumgart is a private lecturer at KIT and heads the “Competence Center for IT Security” at the FZI Research Center for Information Technology. His group conducts research in IoT security, network security, security engineering, and privacy enhancing technologies. Research in these fields is strongly application-oriented focusing on the areas of mobility, production, and energy.

PD Dr.-Ing. Ingmar Baumgart

Network Security   

Research Group for Secure Computation and Communication

The research group “Secure Computation & Communication” is headed by Anne Koziolek and Andy Rupp. It advances the formal modeling, design, analysis, and practical evaluation of novel methods for securing computation architectures and communication infrastructures at multiple layers. We are driven by the security challenges arising in the application domains: mobility, production, and energy.

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Beckert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Beyerer, Prof. Dr. Veit Hagenmeyer, Prof. Dr. Hannes Hartenstein, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anne Koziolek, Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade, Prof. Dr. Ralf Reussner, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Strufe, Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev, Dr. Andy Rupp, Prof. Dr. Martina Zitterbart

Dependability    Verification   

Research Group for Application-oriented Formal Verification

The research group “Application-oriented Formal Verification” of the KASTEL — Institute of Information Security and Dependability is headed by Bernhard Beckert. It conducts research on formal, logic-based methods for the specification and analysis of software from theoretical foundations to new methods and their transfer into practice. The goal is to improve dependability and security of critical systems.

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Beckert

Applied Informatics    Machine Learning   

Research Group for Applied Machine Intelligence

The research group “Applied Machine Intelligence” is headed by Marius Zöllner. Based on fundamental research new systems such as autonomous service robots, autonomous vehicles, or assistance systems with cognitive capabilities are to be realized. The use of these so-called technical-cognitive systems takes place primarily in the context of highly automated, efficient and intermodal mobility; connected, automated production and logistics as well as the interactive support of the user in everyday situations.

Prof. Dr. Marius Zöllner

Healthcare    Machine Learning   

Research Group for Building Healthcare Resilience against Cyber-Attacks

The research group “Building Healthcare Resilience against Cyber-Attacks” is developing a novel methodological framework to to make an entire hospital network more resistant to any future cyber threats. A comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach will be taken to assess the cascading effects of cyber-attacks, understand hospital network vulnerabilities, and build its system-wide resilience.

, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Emilia Grass

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